Guest: none
Coddiwomple 11 - A (Hopefully) Brief Doomcation
0:00 Intro 1
0:29 What are you working on?
19:04 What are you reading?
+ Funny Man: Mel Brooks by Patrick McGilligan
+ Star Trek: Stellar Cartography by Larry Nemecek
26:12 What are you watching?
+ ST: Picard
+ Castlevania
34:29 What are you playing?
+ Super Mario Maker 2
+ Diablo 3
40:20 Listener Questions
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Matt Vancil's Coddiwomple! Join Matt Vancil as the conversation meanders to a vague destination. Guests include family and friends who discuss what's currently on their minds as well as casual reviews of what they've been reading, watching and listening to.