Guest: Noodle
Matt optimizes travel between the pantry and microwave. Noodle trolls his father. Audio levels are ignored. Our shortest episode and co-host yet.
Coddiwomple 05: You Got Dead a Lot
0:00 Intro
6:04 What have you been doing this summer?
9:50 What are you reading?
+ One Square Inch of Silence by Gordon Hempton
+ Brain Quest Workbook
+ A Hundred Billion Trillion Stars by Seth Fishman
14:45 What are you watching/listening to?
16:47 What are you playing? + Mariocart 8 Deluxe + The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
22:42 Listener Questions
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Matt Vancil's Coddiwomple!
Join Matt Vancil as the conversation meanders to a vague destination.
Guests include family and friends who discuss what's currently on their
minds as well as casual reviews of what they've been reading, watching
and listening to.