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OrkazBasic True Type Font (zip file containing the .ttf and and readme.pdf)
Nov. 28.
Remember: "shy" doesn't mean "friendly." Named after David Ellerson Sanders. Coined by BayouShaman.
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Nov. 26.
TARDIZ (deja vu)
Named after Tardis. Coined by Wayne Davies.
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Nov. 25.
TARDIZ (deja vu)
Named after Tardis. Coined by Wayne Davies.
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Nov. 24.
HUHELNUAM ("humelfling")
A delicacy (in some clans) comprised of a roast human stuffed with an elf stuffed with a halfling. Coined by Nathan Rice. Happy Thanksgiving!
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Nov. 23.
GRINNEL (onward)
Named after Ginnel. Coined by Reed Nightingale.
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Nov. 22.
NUMORK (half-orc)
What do the orcs think of their half-breed cousins? The prefix "num-" means "weak."
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Nov. 21.
CHARNAG ("sapivore")
One who eats the flesh of other intelligent species (but not one's own).
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Nov. 20.
NONGAG (inconceivable)
They keep using that word. It means what they think it means. Named after Nongaga. Coined by Joana Smolen.
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Nov. 19.
TENORA (to retreat in dishonor; be routed)
Named after tenors. Coined by Erik Samuelson.
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Nov. 18.
SKALDID GADZKID (Bardic immunity!)
If ever there were a phrase worth memorizing.
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Nov. 17.
RANSAX (money)
It's unclear whether the orcs got this word from us. It certainly matches their dominant economic model.
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Nov. 16.
PIKRISBOR ("little" brother)
A younger brother who is physically larger than you. Named after Christopher Wiley. Coined by Kevin K° Wiley.
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Nov. 15.
ULSHARRAX (The Shadow)
The Shadow? The Shadow... Named after Ul Sharrow. Coined by Scott DeFranco-Norton.
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Nov. 14.
KASKEMIAX ("prevenge")
Revenge taken before you've been wronged. It's a real time saver.
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Nov. 13.
TROGDA (burn)
Named after Trogdor the Burninator. Coined by David Hergesheimer.
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Nov. 12.
KIRKOMPA (have sex with another species)
Named after James T. Kirk. Coined by James McKendrew.
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Nov. 11.
Named after Bruce Campbell. Coined by Jeremiah Frye.
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Nov 10.
DUKITOD (dungfoot)
Idiot, imbecile; an orc so stupid he'd step in dung. The orcs' sense of smell is so keen it borders on the canine; they can tell where anything as pungent as dung is without looking. Therefore, an orc who goes ahead and steps in dung after knowing it's there is a moron of the highest caliber. Coined by Christi Kurihara.
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Nov. 9.
DUZSA (fuck)
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Nov. 8.
SEBZAKHUL (cow-hunter)
A grievous insult, as it implies the only game and orc is capable of bringing down is the humies' farting, lumbering feed beast. Incidentally, this is why you should never offer an orc beef. It is the custom in many tribes to show respect in the manner of food you offer; the more difficult the food was to catch, the greater the esteem in which you hold your guests. If possible, offer orcs bear or lion -- they will be on their best behavior, as you have shown them great honor. Venison is perfectly acceptable and conveys healthy respect. Even fish is a good choice, as it takes cunning and patience to catch one. But cow? Might as well say "We think you're stupid and incompetent." Wars have started over less.
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Nov. 7.
KEKA (slaughter)
The orcs used the escalation prefix "ke-" with the verb "ka" (kill) so frequently that it became it's own word: keka, meaning hyper-kill , or slaughter.
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Nov. 6.
TUMINSODRED ("ear necklace")
A piece of jewelry made from trophies taken from fallen enemies. Literally "ear necklace," a tuminsodred doesn't always contain ears, and isn't always a necklace. Coined by Steve Jackman.
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Nov. 5.
WHAK (club)
Even the orcs use onomatopoeia.
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Nov. 4.
HUMI (humie)
Derogatory term for a human. If the orcs whip this one out, their knives aren't far behind.
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Nov. 3.
AKILAD AGA ("please")
The orcs have no word for "please." The closest approximation they understand is "akilad aga" (literal translation: "I am weak").
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Nov. 2.
SHARVADJ (scrap-axe)
An axe hewn out of scavenged materials rather than forged. Both quick to make and easy to replace, the brittle scrap-axe became one of the orcs' most widely-used weapons during the Red Exodus. Though it's rarely seen on the battlefield anymore, the scrap-axe has become a weapon as associated with the orcs as the atrocity-knife.
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